Monday, October 25, 2010

Social Networking

Is a wonderful thing, you can do it anywhere and it doesn't even have to be in great detail, details don't matter now days, as long as people get the jist of what's going on - that's good enough.

Who is dating who? Where is blah tonight? What did people think about the news?

A sentence normally will suffice.

Can you tell I just went to see "the social network"?

A movie most definitely for our generation, although having said that (and you can do the research) isn't the facebook demographic moving from our generation to the generation heading for retirement homes where they will have nothing better to do than be on facebook, playing farmtown - or posting pictures of their receding hairline??

Don't get me wrong, I love facebook, I think it's brilliant - not just for users like me or your mum or your 13 year old daughter that befriends older men and posts videos on YouTube about "brain slushies", but it's changing the way businesses interact with consumers - I would say for the best.

Are you a fan of any organisations on facebook?

I attached a link with this entry - - when you click it, it is highly unlikely that you will get taken to the login page for facebook because more than likely you are reading this because I posted this on facebook thus you are already logged in looking for something to do, thus - here we are.

I'm nearly home now - yes I have been writing from my iPad - so I'm just going to end with a thought.

Irrespective of how you feel about facebook - if/when you go and see "the social network", I'm nearly 100% positive that as you are leaving the cinema or getting on the bus or into the car, you will most certainly take the time to type out how you felt about it and post it on your Wall.

I did...

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