1. It has been ages since I have written anything - suppose I have your mum to blame for that, she keeps my busy.
2. MY GOD - I have written some absolute rubbish/crap/drivel in the past. If I EVER disgrace myself and write about Justin Bieber again I will close this blog down and throw myself off of the Story Bridge.
I was deeply saddened last night while watching "Ghost Rider" to see an ad for the new season of CSI where abouts I learned that Justin Bieber will be
ah shit.
With University holidays coming up I would like to think that this is something that I will have alot of time to do, so I am just going to have the make the effort - between working, photography, being vlogtastic, playing with RC cars, editing videos/photos, buying stuff that I really really really don't need and being awesome - quite an effort, I do agree - although at least I know if all of my plans fail, I will still achieve one of those things on that list....being awesome.
YAY! for humility*
Fun fact! - more people are killed by donkey's annually than are killed in plane crashes.
You may now be wondering what was the point of this blog?
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