Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Taking Stock

I mentioned "getting to" America in my previous blog.

*short version: I applied to work in Orlando at Disney World for a year (through University), was accepted, leaving July '11 - July '12.

Anyway, what I want to discuss is the notion of "taking stock of your life" - dedicating some time to really thinking about what is important and what you value the most.

This trip undoubtedly will be a once in a lifetime opportunity where I will have the chance to broaden my horizons, meet new people, gain a significantly better work ethic and grow and mature as a person...

(okay, so I was reading the brochure)

However I am torn.

I'm going to try to get away with not sounding too cliche - okay this is going to sound cliche - I've fallen in love.

Now I wasn't looking for a partner, but this was just one of those things, where your not planning on it but someone comes along who you know is right for you and you them....

I read a saying the other day;

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans"

I've been thinking about this for a while now (you're yet to hear what I have been thinking...don't worry though, it's coming), in fact, since the Brisbane floods.

What I have been thinking about, is the type of situation that people need to be in to stop (most of the time, this happens best when the situation is out of their control - you're less likely to evaluate your life in a similar fashion when you have the choice not too), take some time and think about what's important to them...this can either be tangible items or (and this is more likely) intangible.

Similar to what it takes for rules to be changed or instigated, it often takes great tragedy to shock people into action.

Take the floods - an absolute tragedy, an event not thought possible after '74 - so many people's lives were turned upside down, possessions were lost (some irreplaceable) and lives were unnecessarily lost.

(wow I really loose interest in writing these things - mainly because it would go from being semi-decent writing to drivel...well its already drivel I know but ehh)

You get where I am going with this, if not...let me try and summarise it...

Everyone lives in a little bubble, content with our situation (and I am guilty of this too) and it's only when an event occurs that is out of our control that we are forced to go - well this isn't important but this is.

AND IN A FULL CIRCLE... that's what I am feeling now.

I have a deadline, I am going to America in less that 6 months, so I have less 6 months to make the very most of the time that I have with the people that I love, in particular one person.

In a way, its good because I won't take advantage of the time that I spend with my friends, family and her, and then the obvious - it sucks because I have to leave.

Ehh I dunno it's hard to put into words.

I know that I run the risk of being a hypocrite, but I think that perhaps every now and then we should all take some time, even 10 minutes, and force ourselves to think about what really is important to us and (Imma quote Zombieland) even appreciate the little things.

Whether that be a friend, a great cup of coffee, your girlfriend, your job, your bed even the weather.

People are always doing it worse, but in the face of adversity or tough situations people are capable of amazing things.

*I don't really know how that is relevant, I just wanted to throw it in*

Carpe Diem baby....

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