Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear Myself, You're sexy. Yourself.

The trouble with having a blog is that you have to have something to write about all the time, and when all your life consists of is University, Work and dealing with other rubbish what you have to put into words is worth about as much as a pair of woollen socks is to an ant.

That was a colossally shit analogy...I know.

What I am trying to say is that even if you feel like writing something down, sometimes it's difficult.

I have a book at home called "Blogging for fame and fortune" (or a title to that effect. you know, the kind of title that a chump like me would read and see $$$$$$$$$ and fork over the $30 bucks for the book.... Let's call the book "Mike Murdoch", and I'm somebody in need - all I need to do is prayfully give a donation of $30 and expect a harvest.... You really need to watch this video to get what I am talking about --> here) I digress, and in this book - the first thing it says is to always have something to talk about...

Personally, I believe a blog is almost a means to bookmark your life.

I'm not saying that blogs should be "so today I did this, and then I went to do this, and WHILE I was doing that I saw this and then did that thing in that time at that place where we went that day to see you-know-who because she is a total bitch, remember what happened at that party with whatshisface".

No, I believe blogs can be more than that.

I think though only you, the writer, can take more from your writing than anybody else reading your posts - mainly because you can identify themes in your writing that others can't/won't understand.

For example, I posted in February about going away and being in Love - this was just after I had started to date my girlfriend, whom I loved very much and I was extraordinarily happy and I was expressing my upset at having to go away and leave her but also I talked about how it made me realise that I needed to make the most of the time that I had with her - essentially that was what that post was about, the rest - well that was just filling.

In case you haven't guessed already, I am no longer with this person - which is where my previous post comes from - through all the disappointment comes a sense of clarity (to a degree). Now, I am far more sensitive to relationships and peoples feelings and the connections you make with others because of the things that I learnt and felt when I was in a relationship.

I mean also there are reoccurring themes such as my distain for University and stupid people, but each blog comes from a different place - and while you (the reader) may not know where, I do and always will.

If that made sense.....?

I had absolutely nothing to write about when I started this, and yet here we are... I wrote about something.

Thank-you to Anni for the inspiration (:


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